One thing I can say about almost every family photo from the 70s is they are not very good. In fact they are almost universally bad. And I’m not talking about exposure. Back then it was the luck of the draw if you got good colour or lighting. Look at these photos. My goodness they are over exposed. Was someone shining a floodlight on my poor little face?
I can excuse over exposure and bad lighting. My Dad or Uncle Bill (not sure who took these photos) was probably using a cheap point n shoot 110 camera. Remember those? Good ol’ Dick Vandyke. I loved the Petrie family. I don’t know how people made the choice between Dick and James Garner when it came to choosing affordable but quality equipment for family photos.
Anyway that’s not my big complaint. The colour can be excused by poor equipment and bad processing techniques from the era. I’m talking about composition. I mean were viewfinders calibrated wrong? Almost every photo I have includes at least ten feet of sky or building above subjects which are cut off at the knees. Was this some sort of photo conspiracy? Did you need to know a secret password to get a picture of what you were pointing the camera at? Thank goodness for cropping with Photoshop. I can’t wait to get home so I can try fixing the colour and exposure!
- Eenie Meenie Page Kit by Lauren Bavin
- Miney Mo Page Kit by Lauren Bavin
- Catch and Let Go BackPack by Lauren Bavin
- DSP Tay's Mom Font by Suzanne C. Walker from July 2008 Club Digital by DSP Designers
- DSP GoGo Girl Font by Suzanne C. Walker
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