Saturday, December 31, 2011
Learning to Knit: Day Seventeen
Now on to project 2.4 Maple Leaf square. The leaf is worked in purl stitches against a stockinette background with a seed stitch border. To be tricky the boarder is not charted and I have to read my knitting to keep in the seed pattern.
With this square instructions are included to make pillows by appliqueing the practice squares onto a pillow.
Learning to Knit: Day Seventeen
I am doing this to see if I can make Isabelle's sweater with the needles I have in the yarn Mom gave me. Cross fingers
Friday, December 30, 2011
Learning to Knit: Day Sixteen
Same thing happened with the Rib sampler and the Checkerboard sampler. Auntie Donna is magical. I am so thankful to have her in my life.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
I'm not sure where I am screwing up because I think I am keeping track of the work. It is extreemly difficult to read the knitting on the wrong side but pretty easy on the right side. Oh well I am off to tink. Hopefully I will figure it out on my second do-over.
Learning to Knit: Day Fifteen
I have already pulled apart this stupid square five times. Chart reading is not my forte. It is pretty stupid that in one row a symbol means one thing and in another row the same symbol means the exact opposite. I understand why, I do. I totally get it. But while reading and working the chart it goes against the grain.
Doing better now. I've managed to get to row 12 (of 61) without any mistakes.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Learning to Knit: Day Fourteen
Now that the holidays are over I can knuckle down and get to work on learning to knit. Over the holidays I learned to make a simple cable on a loom and knitted a pair of fingerless gloves. They are very cool and photos will be posted soon. I have to learn to "block lightly" first.

One minor setback to my Fearless Knitting progress was the lack of a marker for the chart in the next project. I do not have a fancy magnetic chart reading thingie. Mom does but we have not been able to find it yet. So I went to the evil empire and picked up some Post-it notes. Not as good but it will get the job done until I can find a magnetic board. The baby is facinated by my Post-its. I think its the colour - I should have gone with pastels not brights.
I also purchased a little knitting accessory kit bursting with intriguing little doodads. In a small zip loc bag I now have some safety stitch markers, point protectors (small and large), stitch holder, large and small row counters (very exciting), tape measure, steel wool needles and a knitting gauge. I'm not sure how many of these items are really important but I know a couple are needed and I hope none are useless. Time will tell.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
Joy Card

- Play It Cool PAge Kit by Elizabeth Weaver from the December 2010 Club Digital by DSP Designers
- Holiday Chips Word Art by Lauren Bavin
- Christmas TraditionsOverlay set by Elizabeth Weaver
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Learning to Knit: Day Eleven

To finish the glove you need to make
Merry Christmas everyone. I love you and wish you all the best. I miss you Grandma.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Learning to Knit: Day Nine
I am not quite sure I am doing it right but everything looks good on t

Learning to Knit: Day Nine

I don't know what happened but these first few rows I am knitting for the newest sampler are super tight. I am using smaller needles but that doesn't explain why the knitting is tighter on them. It is almost difficult to move the stitches along the needles. Very weird. I hope this is all typical noob knitter problems and I am not some sort of freak.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Learning to Knit: Day Eight
Huzzah! I am finally finished my second sample. Man it is huge. I can't measure it right now but I estimate it to be about 2 inches bigger than it is supposed to be. I think I better go down another size when I do the next sampler.

First Project Chapter 2.3: Diamond Peaks Square. This sampler also calls for a size 4.5 mm needle. I accidentally used a 5mm on the checkerboard. Hopefully using the right needle will keep this square from getting to big. This sampler also uses knit and purl to create a pattern but this time I am to follow a chart not written row instructions. Kind of cool hope I don't get lost.
Oh and I am not 100% sure but I think the mistake I kept making that was driving me nuts in the checkerboard is called an unintentional yarnover. It is discussed on page 50. Nice to put a name to the cursed face.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Learning to Knit: Day Seven
I am really enjoying this even with the frustrations I have been having with yarn. Pat is practically peeing his pants he is so excited about his scarf and the poncho project for Isabelle I showed him.
I finally connected with ZombieFarmer on Ravelry and got to look at her cool hats. Can't wait to start sharing!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Learning to Knit: Day Six
Monday, December 19, 2011
Learning to Knit: Day Five
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Checkerboard Sampler
I hate purl
Checkerboard Sampler
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Learning to Knit: Day Three

- the knit stitch
- the purl stitch
- binding off
All three are very important and I think not explaining them is a big mistake. Which is a shame because I think this book is great in so many ways.
So off to youtube I go to learn how to bind off my rib sampler. It is not the suggested length but the book says I can stop when I feel I've "got it". And I do. Purling is still a wee bit awkward and I still find holding on to everything a bit of a challenge but I feel I have a good grasp of what this lesson is teaching.
After a paragraph translating what BO in patt. means the book just says:
Pass the worked stitches over and off the right needles to bind off as usual.
And then an explanation as to why you BO in the pattern you knitted. I find it really odd the book feels the need to translate BO but not explain HOW to BO. I looked in the index and the only binding off instruction is towards the back for binding off three needles.
Maybe I am missing something or not understanding the part in the translation which is actually teaching how to bind off but I honestly dont see it there and it is no where in Chapter One with the other general information. (Nor are the knit and purl stitches) The only bits on finishing is weaving in the ends and blocking.
Oh well I will look for a video.
Which reminds me I should credit the videos which helped me with what I couldnt get out of the book.
Long Tail Cast On - the book has diagrams and pictures of this but I just could not get it. I had to watch the video many times to finally be able to do it myself.
Knit stitch - not in the book
Purl stitch - not in the book
For the bind off I watched two videos. One on just binding off and on on binding off in pattern which is what you needed to do for this project.
I will post pictures tomorrow because I forgot the camera in the other room and I dont want to wake the baby.
On to project 2.2 Checkerboard Square.
I also made myself knit two more rows before I turned in. I'm getting better. Mom showed me how she's holds her knitting and it looks like I learned the European way. Which is funny when you think the needles mix up was the opposite.
Here is my profile on Ravelry. I am hoping my Aunt and my sole knitting friend will join me there. If they aren't already. Seems like such a cool place. I need to take different photos of my projects because I would rather not have photos of Isabelle there and I am sure Mom doesn't want her photo up. even though I think she looks really good in that picture.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Row Two
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Learning to Knit: Day One
Knitting the first sampler from the book Fearless Knitting Workbook while watching Survivor: Gabon on my laptop.
First thoughts: I don't remember knitting needles being this long and I only ever knitted once as a kid so you would think I would remember them being bigger.
Second thought:
I found out I don't have to make a ball of yarn so I am already ahead of schedule. Huzzah! Now to sit down and begin.

First Project Chapter 2.1: Rib Sample:
Due to earlier confusion about US vs English needle sizes I asked Mom for the wrong needles (or she grabbed the wrong ones) because I was thinking US sizes and she assumed English. I thought that one of the sets she lent me (5mm) could be used for the first project but it turns out I was wrong yet again. I haven't even started and already knitting is too hard. I can't even get the materials list right. Well it doesn't matter. I am here, I have youtube up and I am ready to knit so I'm just going to do it even though I am supposed to use smaller needles. Apparently ribs are knitted smaller because they are used to fit snug for wrist and waist bands This is fine but I want to knit and all I have are 5mm so the book is just going to have to suck it up.
Learned the long tail cast on and using the tail to tell wrong side of knitted fabric from right side (depending on pattern)
The cast on was my downfall when Grandma tried to teach me. As I was trying to figure it out from the book I remember she finally gave up and cast on for me. Poor Grandma. I hope you are proud of me now. The book made sense just like Grandma but I still couldn't quite get it and even after watching a video on youtube 10 freaking times I almost gave up. But 11 was the magic number and I finally cast on. Gram, its only been what? 30 years? But I finally did it! I know you are proud of me.
Aw man...
Tear break.
Lately everything seems to remind me of Grandma and makes me cry so I should have known this would make me emotional but wow that is a bit much. I should have guessed that if Vegetable Thins can make me break down in the grocery store and Tetley can make me weep in my kitchen casting on would bring out a shower. Ok on with the rest of the first freaking row.
An hour in and I think I have worked out the purl stitch but I had to unravel the first row. I screwed up near the front somewhere and the pattern isn't working right I'm supposed to k1 p1 10 times but the purls are on the odd stitches for some reason.
Gah! Screwed up unraveling the one row and have to cast on again.
I don't know why I thought I could watch Survivor my first night. I'm glad I didn't put on a movie. I'd be really pissed if I was missing my movie and trying to do this. Not that I'm not pissed at how long this is taking me to get these stitches because I am . I'm just not really pissed. I mean come on these two stitches are supposed to be the simplest and this combination the foundation. Man I am frustrated.
I can tell knitting is one of those things that once you get it it just flows but getting it is going to be a bitch. Simple isn't easy. Don't let anyone tell you different. Well you can let them but be sure to call them a big fat dirty stinkin liar. In your head if they are bigger than you and prone to violence or drama.
One thing I did do right was make my tail long enough for the long tail cast on. From the book I would have been to short but the video stressed how you want it to be super long so I just went all out ridiculous (I thought) and wound up with very little left over after all the stitches were on. I am a total penny pincher when it comes to craft materials. Scrooge has nothing on me when it comes to this stuff. I can see I am going to have to watch this tendency.
Geeze what the hell am I doing wrong now?
Wow. I totally got in the zone there casting on. Lost track and just kept going and cast on a bazillion. Tail much longer this time. I hate that. My generosity better be rewarded later.
Crap. I finally seem to be getting it and have successfully knitted and purled almost a first repeat thing only to discover I am using the damn tail not the working yarn. Weeping again as I try to undo without having to cast on again.
Whew. I managed to unknit without having to recast. First marker on and I double checked I am definitely using the working yarn this time.
OK WTF because I don't even know how to describe what went wrong this time. Here is a picture. I am off to bed and I will try this again tomorrow.
Well we all knew I was going to come back. No way I can sleep with something like this hanging over my head.
Finally. I have finished the first row. Also refered to as the set up row. Or (in my head) the last thing I will ever knit in my entire life. Forgot to place the last stitch marker but luckily I only had to unknit 4 stitches.
I had a really hard time keeping the yarn on my fingers properly. Like I wasn't having enough trouble with that bitch purl. The yarn has to keep slipping around. Plus all the stitches kept getting all twisted on the needle and I had to straighten them out constantly.
You know I honestly thought this was going to be fun.
Final thoughts:
- Grandma had every right to let me quit so we could enjoy our vacation together. If I remember correctly she taught me cross stitching instead that summer. Crochet was never mentioned even though she was working on a large afghan
- Looms are more fun and easier to learn. Needles better be helluva more versatile or there is no way Isabelle's Debbie Bliss Sweater is getting knitted. By me.
- Purling is a bitch.
Two hours of effort created this:
I'm so proud.
Not. You know I could have made an entire hat on a loom in two hours.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Pipers Turn (2)
- Funky Teenscape Value Collection by Nicole Young
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Let Me Play

- Forever In Never Never Page Kit by Nicole Young
- Forever In Never Never 2 Page Kit by Nicole Young
- Forever In Never Never Add on Pack by Nicole Young
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Friday, May 6, 2011
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Learning to Stand

- Chasing The Wind Page Kit by Nicole Young
- Forever In Never Never Page Kit by Nicole Young
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Hard at Play

Photo from the U.S. National Archives photostream on Flickr
- Just An Ordinary Day 1 Page Kit by Meryl Bartho
- Just An Ordinary Day 1 Add on Pack by Meryl Bartho
- Cracked & Creased No1. Overlay by Meryl Bartho
- Dotty About Acrylic - Black with White Spot Alpha freebie by Meryl Bartho
- Mad Moment Alpha by Meryl Bartho
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011

- Rocker Chic Page Kit by Nicole Young
- Rocker Chic 2 Page Kit by Nicole Young
- Rocker Chic Element Set by Nicole Young
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011

Scraplift of Ms M's Becca April 09
- Tiny Teardrops Page Kit by Nicole Young
- Tiny Teardrops 2 Page Kit by Nicole Young
- Catch A Dream 2 Page Kit by Nicole Young
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Scraplift of Mars' Angel Sent from Above
- Angel Whispers Page Kit by Nicole Young
- Angel Whispers 2 Page Kit by Nicole Young
- Heaven Sent Page Kit by Nicole Young
- Heaven Sent 2 Page Kit by Nicole Young
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
My Happily Ever After

Chasing The Wind Page Kit by Nicole Young
Chasing The Wind 2 Page Kit by Nicole Young
Unconditional Love Word Art by Tina Chambers
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Scraplift of Nicole`s Heaven Sent Plopper
- Heaven Sent Page Kit by Nicole Young
- Heaven Sent 2 Page Kit by Nicole Young
Monday, April 25, 2011
My World

- Tiny Teardrops Page Kit by Nicole Young
- Angel Whispers Page Kit by Nicole Young
- Angel Whispers 2 Page Kit by Nicole Young
- Tiny Teardrops 2 Page Kit by Nicole Young
- Free To Dream Page Kit by Nicole Young
- Unconditional Love Word Art by Tina Chambers
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Women War Workers of Marinship Corp, 1942
Photos are from the U.S. National Archives photostream on Flickr (Unrestricted Access and Use)
- Sapphires And Faded Jeans 2 Page Kit by Nicole Young
- Vintage Memoirs Value Collection by Nicole Young
- Vintage Memoirs Word Art by Nicole Young
- Silly Little One Quick Click by Nicole Young