Saturday, December 17, 2011


I spent all my free time last night on Ravelry. I inventoried all my yarn and projects- including linking pictures from flickr. And I added 80 (yes I said eighty) projects to my projects queue. There are SO many cool free patterns on this site. From yarn companies and other users. Really fantastic I am so excited.

I also made myself knit two more rows before I turned in. I'm getting better. Mom showed me how she's holds her knitting and it looks like I learned the European way. Which is funny when you think the needles mix up was the opposite.

Here is my profile on Ravelry. I am hoping my Aunt and my sole knitting friend will join me there. If they aren't already. Seems like such a cool place. I need to take different photos of my projects because I would rather not have photos of Isabelle there and I am sure Mom doesn't want her photo up. even though I think she looks really good in that picture.

1 comment:

T. Patrick Rooney said...

I cannot wait to see more of your projects and how they turn out!