Monday, January 30, 2012

Learning to Knit: Day Forty Six

I am now back to where I was last night around nine. Big time sink but worth it in the end I hope.

In Other News

My page won a Scrappy Award for Best Layout with Multiple Photos.

Learning to Knit: Day Forty Six*

Found a big mistake in my colourwork so I had to rip out all of today's work. Must push through.

*I miscounted back in the twenties but blog is back on track now.

Farmer's Market


Sunday, January 29, 2012

Learning to Knit: Day Forty Six

Started a new project but the baby is sick and my hand is still injured so I haven't made much progress. The good news is this yarn is super cool. Difficult to work with but such a neat texture. Soft and squishy and kind of ... hmm it reminds me of a beat up thin foam letter kind of spongy but still ... grr I don't know. Its a cool feeling yarn.

In this project I'll be doing colourwork for the first time. If I understand the definition of the techniques it will be a combination of intarsia and stranding.Even though I went to several places to find the right colours no one carried two of them so I had to substitute. I am happy with the choices I made.

Farmer's Market


Saturday, January 28, 2012

Learning to Knit: Day Forty Five

I finished my hat and am thrilled with it. I will take some photos tomorrow and post. Lots of new stuff with this project:
  • using circular needles
  • using double pointed needles
  • SKP
  • ktog leaving sts on LH needles, k first st again then drop both sts from LH needle
  • MB (on needles)
  • twisted rib

Also managed to complete a hat and a sweater in one month. The sweater was a baby sweater but it still counts so shush. On track with my 12 hats in 12, and 12 sweaters in 12 groups on ravelry .

Friday, January 27, 2012


  • Rainbow Crossing 2 Page Kit by Erica Belton
  • Splatter One Quick Click freebie by Erica Belton

Thursday, January 26, 2012



Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Learning to Knit: Day Forty Two

Ten more rounds done on my hat today. This is going to be a beautiful hat. Man my hands hurt. I hope I am not getting arthritis.

Winter Outing

Scraplift of mcbowersox's Precious Child


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Learning to Knit: Day Forty One

This yarn will be the death* of me. Luckily this hat is going to be so beautiful it will be worth it.

This photo is © Rose Callahan from the book Hattitude by Cathy Carron and uses the kind of yarn I should have used. I have to start paying better attention to that and not just using a yarn because I love it.

*Actual death - no. Metaphorical death by frustration - yes. Just to be clear 'cause I love me some hyperbole.


Scraplift of just-pjz`s Beauty of Friendship

Monday, January 23, 2012

Learning to Knit: Day Forty

Three days and I have managed to knit the brim and one pattern stitch of my hat. 17 rounds in three days that's less than 6 rows per day. I hope I get faster or this will take forever. Knitting with circular needles is still awkward for me. I am used to bracing the left needle on my tummy or leg. Sometimes it is hard to move the stitches up onto the left needle. They seem to catch. I like how it looks so far but I think a stiffer yarn would have been better. This yarn is so soft and pliable I don't think the cool segmented effect of this hat will show very well. It will be a nice soft and warm hat though so I am still happy.

Scrappy Nomination

Chocolate Milk was nominated for a Scrappy award at DSP. Best multiple photo layout category.

Scraplift of MurlieMac's Simply Rylee (nominated in best double page spread category)



  • Obsidian Flight Value Collection by Kim Liddiard
  • Sweetest Memories Overlay Stax Set freebie by Kim Liddiard

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Learning to Knit: Day Thirty Nine

Finished the brim for Determined and starting to establish the pattern.
I don't know how but my bobbles are facing the wrong side. I really should have used non-hairy yarn for this but I just love the colour and the feel. I am sure the results will be worth all the trouble.

Class Trip


Saturday, January 21, 2012

Learning to Knit: Day Thirty Eight

Thoughts on using circular needles:
  • a bit awkward
  • I am so paranoid about not twisting the stitches on the needles I am checking it after every stitch
  • I should have used less hairy yarn for my first time
  • I will be happy when I can start increasing because atm I feel like my yarn is too stretched out
  • it will get better soon
  • I hope

Nom Nom Nom

Scraplift of Elisabeth's Twilight Bird

  • Olivia Value Collection by Marcee Duggar
  • OliviaElement Set 2 by Marcee Duggar

Friday, January 20, 2012

Learning to Knit: Day Thirty Seven

Finished my first sweater. I am not sure I seamed it right but the seams look neat and tidy so I am happy. I hope it fits. My lil' dumpling is asleep so I can't try it on her until tomorrow. I am very proud of myself.

Learning to Knit: Day Thirty Seven

Got the book Hattitude by Cathy Caron from the library today. Some super cool hats in here I am eager to make. Based strictly on yarn and needles available in my home right this minute I have cast on Determined on pg 88. Super cool hat with lace and bobbles. So I am learning:
  • bobbles
  • lace
  • knitting in the round
  • how to use circular needles

Very excited as usual I hope it lasts.

Learning to Knit: Day Thirty Seven

Finally finished knitting Isabelle's sweater last night. All I have left to do is block the back and one sleeve and I can sew it all together. My first sweater should be complete sometime tonight. Huzzah

First Day Daddy

Scraplift of handkl's First Day of First Grade


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Learning to Knit: Day Thirty Five

Haven't posted in awhile as I am just knitting away on the back of Isabelle's sweater and its all stockinette stitch so very boring and unblogable. I've knitted approximately five inches out of eleven. Hopefully I can get it blocked and put together before the weekend.

I have put the brakes on working through Fearless Knitting for now because I joined a knit along group on ravelry and am waiting for them to catch up. I have about a month head start on them. I may not be able to wait but we'll see. I'll try hard.

I have been looking over all my new found pattern joy and just can't decide what to do next. I feel I should make a hat but the ones I really want to do may be a bit to advanced for me. I picked out a super cute one for Isy but it turns out the pattern isn't colour work it is embroidered. I really don't want to embroider. I think I will try to just use the chart as colour work anyway because that is what I wanted to do next and this is a very simple looking chart. But if you look at the sample hat it looks like a bit of the design is in the decreases and this could be why its embroidered not knit. Mind you I am so new it could just be they wanted to show how to do embroidery. But ignorance is bliss because I don't know I can't do it and it is such a small project that even if it is a total wash it won't be a huge time sink.

I think I will do this hat the way I planned. I still have some time to back out but I think I will do it. It's too cute to resist and I want to learn how to do colour work. I really want to do a super cool top secret hat for Pat and I need to learn colour work for it so I'm just going to dive in and damn the consequences.



Monday, January 16, 2012

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Learning to Knit: Day Thirty Two

I have been a knitter for over a month now. Hooray for me!

Today I blocked all my squares from Fearless Knitting and the two finished sweater pieces from Isabelle's boat neck sweater. I used my steam iron and towels to block today and while the cotton items responded well the acrylic did not. They look neater but they are all squished and flat. The yarn didn't melt but all the purl bumps I worked so hard on don't show up that much anymore. I will put the photos in the appropriate posts and on ravelry.



Saturday, January 14, 2012

Learning to Knit: Day Thirty One

Officially halfway through my first sweater.
When I started the dishcloth squares from Fearless Knitting I borrowed more cotton from Mom because I was afraid I wouldn't have enough of the cotton I am using for this sweater to make everything. Now looking at what is still an absolutely HUGE ball I realize baby sweaters take only slightly more yarn than dishcloths.

Eleven Months


Friday, January 13, 2012

Learning to Knit: Day Thirty

Halfway through my first sleeve. I'm glad I decided to do a baby sweater because I think I would find a larger size very boring. Mostly because it is all stockinette stitch but it may also become my fatal flaw in knitting. Time will tell.

Learning to Knit: Day Thirty

I finished the front of my first sweater ever.



Thursday, January 12, 2012

Learning to Knit: Day Twenty Nine

I got lost somewhere and just couldn't find my way back. The Bordered Diagonal square is OK but mostly looks like poo


  • Vintage Show Drama Queen Value Collection by Nicole Young
  • The Fairest Page Kit by Nicole Young
  • The Repose 2Page Kit by Nicole Young
  • This Love Word Art by Tina Chambers from DSP's February 2008 Club Digital by DSP Designers
  • Loving Word Art by Meryl Bartho from DSP's February 2010 Club Digital by DSP Designers

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Learning to Knit: Day Twenty Eight

I made it to the middle of the bordered diagonal cloth with only two row mixups. Tomorrow (hopefully) I learn the new decrease.



Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Learning to Knit: Day Twenty Seven

OK. This stupid square gets once more chance with me before it winds up felted by my foot on the driveway.

Learning to Knit: Day Twenty Seven

The next project in Fearless Knitting is 3.3 Bordered Diagonal Garter square. This square uses a bunch of new stuff:
  • 2 slanting increases
  • 2 slanting decreases
  • keeping track of garter and stockinette stitches in the same row
  • making an I-cord hanging loop
  • slip stitch
  • keeping track of a project with multi-size instruction

I will be doing it in the purple cotton Mom gave me. This will be nice because I used to have these in pot holder weight but they were lost in a move. If it knits up as fast as the dishcloth I will make a set in heavier cotton to replace my old ones.

Learning to Knit: Day Twenty Seven

I am going to run out of yarn before I finish the correct number of rows on the Which Way is Up square. I was thinking of continuing with another colour but I think I will just bind off. The square is big enough to be useful as a dishcloth so its no biggie that it isn't square.



Monday, January 9, 2012

Learning to Knit: Day Twenty Six

<insert very strong language indeed here> I have to take out all the work I did last night on Isabelle's sweater because I accidentally used two different sized needles on it. I was so happy with how much progress I made. This would never happen in quilting.

Chocolate Milk

Style lift of MurlieMac's Simply Rylee


Sunday, January 8, 2012

Learning to Knit: Day Twenty Five

I'm officially in the club now! I've completed my first dishcloth.

One major thing I have noticed is working with cotton really rubs my fingertips. They feel quite worn.

The next project in Fearless Knitting is 3.2 Which Way is Up. Making a square from two rectangles knitted in different directions. This will involve learning to pick up stitches.

Christmas Eve

I almost didn't survive my first experience with "some assembly required" but it was ...

worth it.


Saturday, January 7, 2012

Learning to Knit: Day Twenty Four

The first shaping lesson is project 3.1 Aunt Liz's and Aunt Nadine's Dishcloth square. Thus I learn the venerable dishcloth and get all misty again thinking of my Grandma. With this project I am learning yarn over and knit 2 together to produce a diagonal shape. This is knitting super fast and I am pretty sure I will finish my first dishcloth tonight. I can see why Gran made so many of these. Easy, fast, and practical. The perfect project.

Learning to Knit: Day Twenty Four

Sick as a dog yesterday so I did no knitting at all. Today during baby's nap I finished the Oak Leaf square. I don't know if it was the wooziness or sleep deprivation but I forgot how to read the chart again and did a bunch of rows incorrectly. But I decided not to go back and fix them because I still feel horrible and just don't care enough to put in the effort. Surprisingly it doesn't look that bad. even unblocked and with a bunch of mistakes it looks like an oak leaf so I am happy.

Now I am on to chapter three which is all about shaping.

First Christmas Morning

Scraplift of mcbowersox's Christmas from the Heart


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Learning to Knit: Day Twenty Two

This square is knitting up super fast. I must be doing something wrong. I can't see anything wrong but I must be doing something wrong because this is way to easy.

The cable cast on was a bit tricky at first because I was putting the needles in the wrong spot occasionally or splitting the yarn but its a nice looking edge once you get it.

Learning to Knit: Day Twenty Two

I am reading up on the next project and I have to say for the first time I am feeling really intimidated. I am learning how to:
  1. read colour charts
  2. cable cast on
  3. reverse stockinette
And I think it's a bit much because I also have to do that whole read it this way for right side and that way for wrong side thing that I finally figured out for the Maple Leaf. I am worried this square may get the best of me



Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Learning to Knit: Day Twenty One

Stayed up a wee bit late to finish the Maple Leaf square. It doesn't look to bad. I haven't been able to spot any mistakes yet but I am super tired and am sure I will find them tomorrow. Looks really bad unblocked. Much worse than the others. Once I do the next square I will be done with chapter two and I will block them all together. It does look like a maple leaf so I am encouraged.

Learning to Knit: Day Twenty One

I'm about 65% through and I am pretty sure I have screwed up quite a few rows. All the tinking has lead to the yarn breaking down a bit so there are quite a few places where the yarn is looking weird so this makes it hard to tell if the square looks like poo because of the crappy yarn or crappy knitting. I'm not going to go back anymore I am just going to forge on and see how the poor bedraggled thing looks after it is blocked.

Independent Play


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Learning to Knit: Day Twenty

This thing still looks like crap but at least its a crappy looking leaf this time. Looking back on my work I think there are two rows I mirrored. Very hard to tell so I am not sure if I did them wrong. This is not getting easier.

Learning to Knit: Day Twenty

Well it seems I was reading the chart wrong. I don't know if I can blame the book or not yet. Let me explain. Unlike the previous project the Maple Leaf square is not symmetrical. Therefore even though it was charted and I used the chart to keep track the chart was not vitally important and I could tell by reading my knitting when I made a mistake. I didn't need to read my knitting and compare it to the chart to see if I had made a mistake. Therefore I made a huge error in chart reading.

Today I went back to my square I put down in despair yesterday and tried to figure out why it looked like a dog's breakfast. Then it just logically occurred to me that if I am knitting this way I need to read the chart that way but if I am knitting that way I need to read the chart this way. In other words on odd rows you read the chart from right to left and on even rows you read the chart from left to right.

Yeah that's a pretty big mistake.

I haven't been able to find a place in the book where she actually tells you that though so I'm not sure if it is a flaw in the book or if I just missed it. Pretty huge flaw if it isn't in the book. I'm pretty sure it must be in the book because I haven't seen this complaint in the Ravelry group. But this could be one of those things other knitters overlook because its second nature.

For now I am going to tink all the way back to row 3 (weep) and stop looking. I'm sure its there and I just can't see it through my tears.

Making Magic


Monday, January 2, 2012

Learning to Knit: Day Nineteen

I've knitted four inches of Isy's sweater! I put the Maple Leaf square aside today because I think I am doing it wrong. I haven't been able to figure out where I am screwing up though so I need to step away.

Santa Card


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Learning to Knit: Day Eighteen

Joined a bunch of 12 in 2012 groups on Ravelry. Cast on my first sweater! The Boat Neck Sweater from Baby Knits for Beginners by Debbie Bliss. Very excited and worried. So afraid this will not fit Isabelle. I made a swatch to get gauge and then emailed Auntie Donna for advise. Three rows knit so far.

Worked on my Maple Leaf square. I think part of my problem may be when I make a mistake an tink back to fix it I am not putting the stitches back on the needle correctly. Must re-read the section on stitch mount.

