These are the blocks I am planning to do this week. A6, A8, B4, C1, B13, and C3. They should all be easy blocks. Techniques used will be rotary cutting, machine piecing and freezer paper foundation piecing. Its been a long time since I have done any foundation piecing but these look like a good reintroduction for me.
All my quilt plans and layouts will be shown with a white background because white displays better than black. I don't know why but the black tends to look muddy.
Here is my first block, Uncle Homer (A6), in all it's scanned glory.
A6 - Uncle Homer |
I'd go so far to say eensy weensy |
Very easy block to cut and piece. I used the rotary cutting guide from the software for the correct dimensions. While I knew this was a quilt made of small blocks and each block was made of small pieces it wasn't until I was actually handling the wee patches that I realized just how small each patch was - teeny tiny.
Unfortunately even though my DMIL took my daughter this morning and I had lots of time to play a stiff back and dirty dishes prevented me from doing more than one block today.
1, 0, 0, 9