Thursday, February 21, 2013

Stash Find

While looking for some fusible grid interfacing (which I apparently do not own) to give to MIL. I came across some completely forgotten red and white fabric. Based on the incomplete blocks I found chain stitched I think it was for a maple leaf quilt. No clue about it's design so not sure I can complete this one.

Found with leftovers from Pat's Egyptian quilt.

I could use the white fabric for something else and put it on the stash buster list or I can add the white to other quilts and not need to purchase more. I think the red may go with the Dr. Seuss but there isn't much of it left. The Egyptian leftovers need to be addressed too - there is quite a bit but not enough for a big quilt.

Yet more decisions. I officially declare today Decision Day. Celebrate in your own way. Involve the kids!

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