Thursday, March 28, 2013

I am in shock

I've been trying out for the design team at DSP twice a year every year since March 2007. I never made it. But this year I did. I nearly gave Pat a heart attack when I read the news.

Here are my entries:


Almost There

Nouveau Chapeau


 Don't worry I didn't wake the baby.

Oh! And we got a new printer/scanner so I will be catching up with all my blocks in the next couple of days.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Once a Month Cooking: Verdict

Bacon and Butternut Squash casserole is a hit. Pat thinks it's good but needs chicken. This is an almost meatless meal. The original calls the dish vegitarian even though it has bacon in it.

Once a Month Cooking: The Day After

I was not able to finish my big cook day. I ran out of ingredients and in one case containers. Very upsetting and I'm pretty pissed about it. I know the container issue was not my fault. The ingredients may be my fault. Pat and I were pretty frazzled toward the end of shopping that night. I know a couple times I grabbed a normal amount of something (ie one bunch of kale) rather than the actual amount listed on my grocery list (two). But I know for a fact I got the exact number of containers listed. Today I will do an inventory and go to the store and get the missing items.

Luckily the items left are all non cooking dishes. They are simple assemble, package, and freeze. I'm still not going to do them today. I'm tired and want to spend some time with my family.

I am very thankful I cleaned as I went last night. I did not do a final clean before going to bed but the kitchen is only a little messy it is not a disaster. I guess I should be thankful I am so limited in pots and pans as that certainly made it necessary to clean over and over. Not sure I would have kept it up at the end if it was just desirable.

Despite the setbacks I will be doing this again next month. I actually enjoyed myself. I did not once "get my rage on" which hasn't happened while cooking since I was pregnant. Even in the evening when I had many distractions and ran out of ingredients I remained calm and in control. Plus I have a freezer full of yummy easy to serve food.

I'll have photos and more details after my morning cuppa, an inventory, and a good clean.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Once a Month Cooking: In Medias Res

Dear Me,

Never ever ever never ever do a big cook day without chopping everything, that can be chopped in advance, in advance. You would be laying in bed with your feet up awaiting your baby and your chocolate shake by now if you had done your homework. Instead you may never be finished. Learn from your mistakes.

Once a Month Cooking: Break Two

Ugh. My feet and back are hurting bad. I'm a bit behind and need help but Pat is still on the train so I'll just have to soldier on alone.

It's going pretty good. I didn't buy enough kale (who ever thought I'd make that statement) so I added some leftover spinach from the mac n cheese. I am perplexed as to where I went wrong but I have three trays worth of Bacon and Butternut Squash Casserole not two. Maybe it was the pasta. I couldn't tell if the measurement was for cooked or uncooked. The casserole looks well proportioned so hopefully it won't matter.

I'm going to make some tea, roll my oven baked fajitas, clean the kitchen and then get to preparing my Pasta e Fagioli.

Once a Month Cooking: First Break

I am going to have to put my shoes on. My feet are going to be toast at the end of the day. Thus far I have made the  oatmeal, peanut butter and banana muffins, spinach mac n cheese cups and oven baked fajitas. I am starving. The fajitas are in the oven and smell great but the mac n cheese is what I want. I'm not sure I'll be able to restrain myself til they are cool enough to put in the freezer.

I had a moment of panic when I couldn't find the ricotta (Pat packed the fridge last night while I did the pantry) but I found it while ringing Pat's cell. He and the whole family took the train to the parade and apparently Isabelle did not like it. Too noisy. Poor baby. I wish I was there.

Anyway, I found the ricotta and thus far everything is turning out fine except the oatmeal. The directions said to put it in 8 quart sized bags and I only had enough for 4 and there were only two labels so I am not sure what is going on there. Plus the oatmeal seems pretty mushy to me. I know oatmeal is a mushy meal but I don't know there just doesn't seem to be enough oats in there.

Oh well that's what I get for not testing that one first (but really since when would you need to test an oatmeal recipe). Live and learn. It's not an expensive meal so no harm no foul if we don't like it.

Once a Month Cooking

I joined Once a Month Mom last month but due to the timing of special events (Quilt show , birthday, etc) I had to postpone my first "big cook day" until today. So far I am off to a bad start. I was unable to finish the chopping last night (even with DH's help we were up way to late and had to stop) and had a late start this morning helping DH and DD get out the door on their grand adventure.

There will be no photos. Pat took the camera. He'll be with Isabelle and all moments must be documented. They went to the St Patrick's Day parade downtown with the in laws and visiting relatives so I hope there won't be a ton of photos of the tops of floats and the backs of people's heads.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Week Ten: Officially in a Snit

I just completed a beautiful block. I combined applique, piecing, and reverse applique and I executed it beautifully. I gave it a final press and scanned it but while I was straightening and cropping the scan I thought something was odd. Perhaps even slightly off. Further examination and comparison to the original showed that yes I had made an error.

A colossal error.

An error from which there was no possibility of a comeback. There was no possible fix. If I wanted my block to resemble the proper block in any way shape or form I need to start all over. I couldn't even re-use the fabric. Total and complete waste of time and material.

Thus I am not going to sew anything today. I'm just going to rage against the fates and pout until I feel better.

C5 can suck it.

34, 7, 0, 846

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Week Ten: Swap Block

Last week I made a block the wrong colour and didn't discover my mistake until it was finished. This week I decided to make a block scheduled for next week which sits next to D3. I wanted to do it now before I forgot about my mistake. This way the block order is not too mixed up.
D4 Crystal Star
Mitered corners and a little applique. My applique is improving but you sure can't tell with this block. Very mushy points and not very smooth.

34, 7, 0, 846

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Week Ten: Advanced Block Blues

No matter how carefully I center these elements they keep coming out off center. I don't know why. I'm going to try to be satisfied with this attempt and  have a little weep in the corner.

C4 Tic Tac Toe

I had hoped March would be kinder to me than February but evidently I was mistaken.

33, 7, 0, 829

Week Ten: Preparation

Week Ten
Week ten features two "advanced" blocks and two triangles. C4, C5, C8, TR9, and BR2. I am also hoping to complete block D4 in orange so I can swap it with D3 (made in red instead of orange - oops) from last week.

Looking over advice for these blocks from That Quilt and Aunt Reen's I think I will be redrafting TR9 so I don't have inset seams or have to use reverse applique. Aunt Reen does feature a great tutorial for completing TR9 with reverse applique.

Reverse applique still gives me headaches though, especially reverse points, so I am going to redraft.

32, 7, 0, 792

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Week Nine: Triangles

Finished both triangles today as they were very straightforward.

TR2 Australian Pine
I don't know why this leans in the photo. It does not lean in real life. Very easy block.

TR5 Michigan Dunes

32, 7, 0, 792

Friday, March 1, 2013

Week Nine: Even More Applique

Very happy with this block.

C9 Jane's Tears

Yes, there are a couple flat spots but look at those points! And I made it in the right colour. Huzzah!

32, 5, 0, 751