Your task today is to either think of or research a project that embodies that house/animal. It could be a knitting or crochet pattern – either of the animal itself or something that makes you think of the qualities of that house. Alternatively it could be a type or colour of yarn, or a single button. Whatever you choose, decide upon a project and blog about how and why it relates to your house/creature. You do not have to make this project! It is simply an exercise in blogging about how you come to decide upon what projects to make. Try and blog about the journey which inspiration and investigating patterns, yarns, stitches, (etc) can often guide you through. You may wish to make a collage or 'mood board' to present several ideas, or even sketch out your own design.
When I am not actively doing something I am planning something. When I am doing something which requires little thought I am planning something. I often wonder if I craft to see if my plans work out rather than to have the items I have created. I am definitely a process person.
Coming up with a project for the House of Bee is very easy. I have two points of inspiration. My Mother and my daughter. My MIL often calls Isabelle Izzy B. And thus many items from her and the people she knows incorporate bees. Especially the hand made items.
My Mother has become fascinated with bees in recent years. Specifically Emperor Bees or Napoleonic Bees. So while any happy busy little bee will do for a project for Isabelle my Mother requires a very specific style of bee. Google Napoleon Bee and you will get some cool images. My favorites were here and here

Coincidentally I recently checked out this book at the library.
Even a beginner knitter like me should be able to graph a Napoleon Bee onto one of these balls. It would make a great gift for Mom.
Colour will be a problem though. If I could find some natural looking golden or mustardy yellows and a light burlap type colour or maybe cream and yellow? Ugh I don't know. No way I could do yellow and black no matter how subtle.
In fact I might be better off making them from something else because Mom doesn't even really put up a Christmas tree any more. Maybe something she could hang all year? Like a beaded thing or maybe polymer clay. I still want to make a ball not a flat project. Mom likes eggs maybe an egg shape.
This is going to require more thought.
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