Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Misery Does not Love Company

Journaling in brackets:
January 2008
Did not start out well for us. Pat caught a cold and passed it along to me. We spent the first half of the month sneezing, coughing, and comparing chapped lips. We’ve argued over who was more miserable and who has the worst taste in daytime television. NyQuil is the only winner this month

Journaling in boxes:
mis·er·y [miz-uh-ree]
–noun, plural -er·ies.
1. wretchedness of condition or circumstances.
2. distress or suffering caused by need, privation, or poverty.
3. great mental or emotional distress; extreme unhappiness.
4. a cause or source of distress

com·mon cold [kom-uhn kohld]
1. a respiratory disorder characterized by sneezing, sore throat, coughing, etc., caused by an allergic reaction or by a viral, bacterial, or mixed infection.

Journaling around Pat's pictures:
It's all his fault (repeated)

Swirled Journaling:
sniffling sneezing coughing runny nose watery eyes achy head fever (repeated)


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