Sunday, February 3, 2013

About "The List"

2013 is my year of the UFO (UnFinished Object). Thus I have done my best to compose a list of all my unfinished quilting projects and added this list as a gadget on the right side of my blog. Those of you who have an email subscription will have to actually go to my blog to see it. I am pretty sure the blog add-ons do not show up in the posts received via email. This is an incomplete list but for now it is good enough. I will add to it as needed

The List is organized into three categories:
  • Tops - quilts I have all the bits and pieces and just need to assemble.
  • Stash Busting - quilts I have the main bits but still need background fabric or blending fabrics.
  • To be Quilted - quilt tops which need quilting this includes quilts which have been sandwiched or even partially quilted and completed tops.

Some will say a UFO is any quilt which isn't ready for use ie. quilted and bound and laying on a bed, hanging decoratively, or en route to a grateful recipient. But I am not those people. Quilting in a many stepped process and each of those steps is a big accomplishment and (in my opinion) needs to be acknowledged.

When I complete a top I will use strikeout on it's original list placement and then add it to the "To be Quilted" list in green. Thus a quilt could be in more than one place on the list.

Any project uncovered during the course of the year will be added to the appropriate list in blue. In the back of my mind I can already think of three projects which aren't on the list but until I can go through my stuff and find them they aren't going on the list.

Any new projects (a big no no) will be added in red. I am hoping to stick to my no new projects resolve but as I plan to join a guild this year and may possibly become involved in activities which mean adding a new project I thought I would make room for the possibility. Plus lets face it new fabric and patterns are really hard to resist.

Dear Jane is not on this list. The UFO list is my secondary project and Dear Jane is my main.

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