Monday, April 22, 2013

Knitting and Crochet Blog Week – Day 1 4KCBWDAY1

Even though this is not a knitting blog and I am a few days late I've decided to participate in Eskimimi's fourth annual Knitting & Crochet Blog Week. I want to blog with more purpose and am hoping this will help me.

Day one is all about defining yourself as a knitter using the Harry Potter house sorting method. While I find a part of myself in each of the four houses I think it is fairly obvious that I am a bee.

House of Bee
The House of Bee: Bees are busy and industrious, but can flit from one interesting project to the next as bright and shiny things capture their interest.

I flit everyday and am constantly distracted by new projects but I am pretty good about finishing my projects (or at least completing  them to my idea of finished)

I am very industrious. As a Domestic Manager I have a lot to do everyday but I still try to find time to fit in a scrapbook page, a quilt block, and some knitting. My page is usually done in the early morning while Isabelle is eating and doing her thing. She likes to be independent first thing in the morning but this usually ends around 10am and then its time for playing with, reading with, or helping Mommy. The quilt block is usually done during nap time. Knitting is done in the evenings while watching TV with the hubster. If my beloved Mother in Law takes Isabelle in the morning or afternoon and I am able to use the time for myself I usually sneak in another page or block depending on how I feel.
House of Manatee
That said the reason I like to knit is because I love to make warm snugly useful things. How Manatee is that? To me knitting is all about comfort and warmth. Yes I know I know there is plenty of beauty and neato stuff too but if you look at my ravelry queue and finished objects you'll see that the majority is practical and warm. Such a shame I live in Texas and can only use that stuff two days a year.

The House of Manatee: Manatees are gentle, calm and cuddly. Relaxed and unflashy they represent the comfort and soft side of knitting and crochet.

House of Monkey
Why did I learn to knit in the first place? After all I needed another craft like I needed another hole in the head. It's because I am also a Monkey.

The House of Monkey: Intelligent and with a fun loving side, Monkeys like to be challenged with every project presenting them with something new and interesting.

That is me. I see someone else doing something and I am all about figuring out how to do it myself and almost every project I take on involves learning a new skill.

Last is the Peacock.
House of Peacock
The House of Peacock: Peacocks take something good and make it brilliant. Buttons, embellishments and a bit of sparkle prove that perfection lies in the details – like a Peacock's Tail.

I do not see a Peacock in my knitting. All to often I find a row of garter in a sea of stockinette and actually consider leaving it alone. OK I confess I have left a single row of garter in a sea of stockinette in two sweaters and a poncho. Obviously I do not sweat the details in my knitting. I do in my quilting and especially my scrapbooking so I conclude peacocks are more experienced in the craft and thus less distracted by new and shiny techniques. Unlike me they aren't struggling to just follow the pattern so they can easily spot and deal with mistakes in their own work and in the pattern.

However I am a huge peacock while scrapbooking. I would still consider myself mostly a bee while scrapbooking but peacock is closing the gap. I am believe I am 45% peacock while scrapbooking. Less than 10% while knitting. 30- 40% while quilting.

The House of Bee is definitely where I belong but I can see myself in any of the houses. I don't know how that hat does it at Hogwarts.

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